The Melee of Single Motherhood

Saturday, January 2, 2010

my first blog

Okay so I finally did it. I started a 10 million other people; however, this blog may be unlike some of the ones you’re accustomed to reading.
A few caveats:
•NO seasonal recipes or cute little pictures of crafty lunches I’ve whipped up for my son before school will appear on this blog. Yeah that’s not how we roll in this house. We are lucky to get out of the house in the morning with our heads screwed on and our shoes on the right feet, and I’m not even certain if that occurs half the time.
•Yes, I use the “F” word from time to time; I like it that way. I have no intention of cleaning up my vocabulary to avoid upsetting someone who may or may not read this. In case you are wondering, that word would be FUCK… the best curse word there is (a noun, a verb, an adjective, you get the idea).
•No promises as to whether I can actually keep up a blog. I’m very busy and often exhausted by the end of the day. So, we shall see how often I actually get to post.

My hope is that this will serve as a way for me to vent and possibly connect with other single moms…it always helps to know you are not alone. Also, on occasion I write poetry or other such nonsense and I would like a place to post it.

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